Flow begins by including the value stream

John Shook e Roberto Ronzani

SUMMIT LEAN E AGILE 2022 - Martedì 11 Ottobre Firenze, Italia


Given the theme of the conference and the contributions of Nigel Thurlow (Agile and Lean and Flow) and David Snowden (Agile and Lean and Complex Systems) and others, our contribution centers around “flow” and “systems” as viewed through the lens of the well-known lean tool of value stream mapping, or VSM.

VSM, as it was developed by Toyota and introduced to the world via the workbook Learning To See (LTS), is a tool or process or enabler to understand and improve the flow of value as a “material (work) and information (instructions) flow system”. As such, VSM is nothing less than a system design tool for any enterprise endeavor, whether manufacturing or other.

At its most simple level of usage, VSM visualizes work so that teams of humans can *look together* at a map of the system within which they work, analyze its functioning, and design a better system for the team to strive for. Critical to that process are the questions to use to understand the functioning of the system, a useful set of which you can find at the beginning of Learning To See.

VSM enables us see together, to understand together, to be able to act together, and, also, to think together in the interest of creating better flow of value for customers while providing meaningful ownership to the teams of people who do the actual work.

A more complete summary and additional information about the topic are available at https://istitutolean.it/levoluzione-di-agile-e-lean-nellera-della-complessita/


Per saperne di più.


John Shook

Chairman, Lean Global Network

Shook è co-autore di Learning to See, il libro che ha introdotto al mondo al mondo il value-stream mapping. E’ anche co-autore di Kaizen Express, un manuale bilingue sui concetti essenziali e gli strumenti del Toyota Production System. Con Managing to Learn, Shook ha svelato i meccanismi più profondi dell’ A3 management process, che è al centro del Toyota’s management and leadership.

Roberto Ronzani

Istituto Lean Management

Co-fondatore ed Amministratore Delegato dell’Istituto Lean Management. Da circa 15 anni impegnato a trasferire a persone ed organizzazioni le “competenze Lean” in attività di Training e Coaching. Ha fatto esperienza di implementazione del Lean Thinking sia in ambito Manifatturiero e nello Sviluppo Prodotto, in qualità di Direttore Tecnico e Direttore Industriale.



Rivedi l'intervento di John Shook e Roberto Ronzani: Flow begins by including the value stream


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